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Hi! My name was Bethany Grace Newman and my life was tragically taken from me on February 11, 2023.  July 1st is my birthday, I would have been 33 years old.  I struggled with addiction for over 17 years of my life. I had been to jail dozens of times, even in prison. I married an addict and he couldn’t keep a job so we had to move around a lot and live in hotels. I gave birth to a little boy name, Hendrix, I was still very active in my addiction, and he was born with “legal prescription, opioids“ in his body after six months of living in hotels, and my husband going from job to job, he introduced me to heroin. My life spiraled out of control, and my mother had to step in. She stormed a dope house with a 357 and left with my son, a shitty diaper, and a ninja turtle. She didn’t even have a car seat. She strapped him to her chest and ran to save his life. She took custody of him, my husband was also in jail at the time.


Hendrix was born autistic. He used to bang his head and make noises to communicate. My mother is a 100% Service Connected Disabled Veteran (Operation Desert Storm Era).  She was married to my father, they met in the military while boxing together.  My fathers life was tragically taken from a drunk driver.  My mother raised me as a single mom, no child support, no state assistance, SHE WORKED!!


My mother was the 1st Female Ordained Minister (Bible College Educated) to hold a position at Ft. Gibson National Cemetery.  She buried 6 Veterans a day, everyday for years and loved her job.  The cemetery was right by my high school, so when I would get out of school, I would go hang out at her office at the cemetery until she got off work. I became fascinated with what you could do with creaming ashes. Jewelry, wildflowers, trees, and artwork. So I told my mother, I thought it would be cool to bottle ashes and put them in little jars and hide them in places and take people on adventures. I thought little pirate bottles with a note inside that says check in on my MySpace and my Facebook. 


My mom was supposed to retire and move to Destin Florida. She had no idea she’d have a baby on her hip but that was part of God‘s plan. Because Hendrix was born autistic, due to the drugs in his system, my mother put him through occupational and speech therapy for the first five years of his life. He then tested off the spectrum before kindergarten and is now a great student, heading into the fifth grade! But what he is especially great at is he’s an athlete. He plays football for the South Walton Seahawks, as well as travel baseball for the Canes organization.

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The Bible says it takes a village to raise a child. Would you be willing to be part of that village?


When you subscribe to our website, you’ll receive update to date information on Henny & all his activities. Want to send someone on an adventure with Bethany? You can purchase a bottle just like this one you’re holding for only $25. It would make my mothers heart happy & my little boy smile knowing you took me somewhere and when you do, please be sure to send in a picture and location from where you found me and where you put me.


All proceeds of this site go to the Hendrix Schultz sports scholarship savings account at regions Bank in Santa Rosa Beach Florida. This account allows Hendrix to be able to have the needed sports equipment for both baseball and football. It helps offset the traveling fees, etc. My mother lives strictly off of 100% service connected disabled veteran disability.


If you would like a necklace with my ashes. They are also available for purchase. Want to plant me along with some beautiful flowers? Wildflower seed packets are available for purchase too. You can also be a Village Ambassador for ONLY $5 a week, just $20 a month to the scholarship savings act.  


Thank you for taking the time to hear my story and for being part of our village and helping support this precious little boy! 

Interested In a Bethany Bottle?

Thanks for submitting!

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Hi! I’m Glammy, is you made it this far you must care and I thank you so very much for believing in this little boy as much as I do. He makes my life complete.


Thank you so much for being part of our village, and for helping me support the special little boy, who deserves everything in the world. He was not dealt a very fair hand in life, that he has the kindest, sweetest, most compassionate little heart of any human being you’ll ever come in contact with.


Please consider being an ambassador and come with me on this journey.


Thank you for being part of our village.

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